Daily UI inspiration & patterns for designers, developers to find inspiration, tools and the best resources for your project.
JDR Design 隶属于京东零售集团,专注于无界零售下完美购物体验的设计探索与尝试,商业价值与用户体验的平衡。服务包括产品、营销、品牌、新媒体等体验及创新设计;同时将设计能力在组织内外部完成规模化的输出与赋能,形成独有的商业设计体系。
从设计到代码, 让团队高效协作 高效易用的自动标注工具, 生成前端代码, 设计研发协作利器
收集、整理、分享全球优质的设计素材资源(包含UI8, Behance, Dribbble, creativemarket等国外知名设计类网站的优质资源)
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The best landing page design inspiration from around the web. Lapa Ninja is created to help designers find inspiration, learn and improve design skills. The contents are selected from the best designs, and daily updated.